Man Unleashed (Double Wall) Man Unleashed (Double Wall) Man Unleashed (Double Wall)
  • Man Unleashed (Double Wall)
  • Man Unleashed (Double Wall)
  • Man Unleashed (Double Wall)

Man Unleashed (Double Wall)

Price $5999.99

Dimensions – 16.5″ x 14.5″

Look at the cogs and gears grinding together
to make a machine, something awesome and wonderful.
WOW! Look what man can accomplish
when he lets his mind loose – a whirlwind!
So I ask you, where does all this end? When is it enough?
Have we already reached the point of diminishing returns?
I’m frightened, that’s for sure. I’m afraid
that my innocent-looking computer will suck out
my identity, my vital personal information, my deepest
thoughts, and whisk them away to some dark, unholy place.

The above poem is an excerpt from Ameen, by Joanne Fenton Humphrey – a 120 page book that highlights the person and works of Tracy Ameen, who is internationally known for her sculpting and doublewall pottery.

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